Music/Video Streaming

Music/Video Streaming

Stream high quality music and videos from top and fast rising artists/creators worldwide across diverse genres on Aurally

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Music/Video Streaming
Stream And Earn

Stream And Earn

Stream your favorite song/videos and earn rewards in cryptocurrency and NFTs.

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Stream And Earn
Fractional NFTs

Fractional NFTs

  • Royalty split

    Creators can tokenize their project(art, music or videos) allowing fans purchase fractions of it and earn royalties from the project sales.

  • GoFundMe

    Creators offer fractional ownership of future project royalties in exchange for upfront funding for the project

Coming soon

Fractional NFTs
P2P Exchange

P2P Exchange

Start by seamlessly connecting your digital wallet to the platform. Our application supports various blockchain networks, ensuring compatibility with popular cryptocurrencies. Your wallet is your secure gateway to the world of NFTs.

Coming soon

P2P Exchange
Aurally DAO

Aurally DAO


Embrace a new era of decision-making where every participant has a voice. Our DAO governance model ensures that major decisions about the platform's development, policies, and future directions are collectively made by the community.

Forum Discussion

Start by seamlessly connecting your digital wallet to the platform. Our application supports various blockchain networks, ensuring compatibility with popular cryptocurrencies. Your wallet is your secure gateway to the world of NFTs.

Coming soon

Aurally DAO
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